In Sherman's distinctive self-portraits, she is 'in costume' and made to portray many different figures in society, except one person; herself.
She says her art deals with female stereotypes, and they are portraits not of how she sees herself, but her view of how men see women and the roles men categorize as belonging to women.
Over the years her portfolio of images has included movie stars, centerfold nudes, fairytale characters, victims of disasters and historical figures. Some of her portraits have produced comic or grotesque effects, using plastic body parts, dolls, and her own 'edited' body.
Today, Cindy Sherman is one of the highest earning female artists in the world.
I find her idea, of constantly changing her identity interesting, it gives her photography and edge which other photographers don't have. All of her most famous photographs can be separated by a different female stereotype, from a stay at home mum to a young aspiring business woman, they all have meaning and deliver the same message of stereotyping women, Sherman shows how in some ways people can become all the same, another stereotype.
Sherman's work has inspired me to be different in mine, and to think out of the box more often.