What skills have you developed through this module, and how effectively do you think you have applied them? Iv definitely improved my digital skills; working with Quark has made me work more precise with type and layout, learning new editing skills within the software, I now feel confident using Quark. My eye for good type has become more alert; I can identify typefaces more and appreciate good type when I see it.
What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?I now spend more time on developing ideas and concepts on paper before going straight to the computer, this is a much faster way of working for me and generates stronger results. Also, from a type point of view I test my work with different fonts and sizes, printing hard copies to see what exactly the outcome would be.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?I think I’m quite productive when concept working, the idea behind a design and what it communicates I believe is key to the design, therefore I dedicate most of my time on developing a designs concept to generate something impressive. I think I sway more towards logo and branding design, and feel I can apply type effectively within this area of design, I plan to continue to design logos and use my type skills to aid me.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?I feel I could have explored a broader range of type more in my journal, perhaps this is because I don’t have so much interest in some areas of type however. Also my analysis of found type could be more in depth and critical.